Create SCNA Score Data Frame
build = "GRCh37",
log2_ratio_threshold = 0.25,
MCR_overlap_threshold = 25
data frame of gene-level SCNAs (can be output of create_gene_level_scna_df
genome build for the SCNA segments data frame (default = 'GRCh37')
the log2 ratio threshold for keeping high-confidence SCNA events (default = 0.25)
the percentage threshold for the overlap between a gene and an MCR region (default = 25). This means that if only a gene overlaps an MCR region more than this threshold, the gene is assigned the SCNA density of the MCR
data frame of SCNA proxy scores containing 2 columns:
HGNC gene symbol
SCNA proxy score. SCNA density (SCNA/Mb) of the minimal common region (MCR) in which the gene is located.
The function first aggregates SCNA log2 ratio on gene-level (by keeping the ratio with the maximal |log2| ratio over all the SCNA segments overlapping a gene). Next, it identifies the minimal common regions (MCRs) that the genes overlap and finally assigns the SCNA density (SCNA/Mb) values as proxy SCNA scores.