Welcome to my portfolio! I’m a passionate MD-PhD professional specialized in bioinformatics, blending a medical degree from Acibadem University with postdoctoral experience at Yale University and a recent PhD in Biostatistics and Bioinformatics (2022). Currently, I contribute to the field as a Bioinformatics Engineer at Genomics England, focusing on developing cutting-edge software for the cancer genomic medicine service.

Throughout my journey, I’ve been fueled by a love for learning, from exploring MOOCs to delving into the depths of the “science YouTube.” Beyond the world of bioinformatics, I’m a self-proclaimed coffee-holic geek with a keen eye for aesthetics. While I used to be an avid photography enthusiast, nowadays I set aside the camera and enjoy the occasional photography walks.

Explore my portfolio to learn more about my professional journey and the exciting projects I’ve been involved in. Feel free to connect with me on LinkedIn or drop me an e-mail to discuss collaborations, share insights, or simply chat about the fascinating intersection of medicine, bioinformatics, and creativity.