Wrapper for Active Subnetwork Search + Enrichment over Single/Multiple Iteration(s)
adj_method = "bonferroni",
search_method = "GR",
disable_parallel = FALSE,
use_all_positives = FALSE,
iterations = 10,
n_processes = NULL,
score_quan_thr = 0.8,
sig_gene_thr = 0.02,
saTemp0 = 1,
saTemp1 = 0.01,
saIter = 10000,
gaPop = 400,
gaIter = 200,
gaThread = 5,
gaCrossover = 1,
gaMut = 0,
grMaxDepth = 1,
grSearchDepth = 1,
grOverlap = 0.5,
grSubNum = 1000,
silent_option = TRUE
processed input data frame
list for gene sets
adjusted-p value threshold used when filtering enrichment results (default = 0.05)
boolean value indicating whether or not to report
the non-significant active subnetwork genes for the active subnetwork which was enriched for
the given term with the lowest p value (default = FALSE
correction method to be used for adjusting p-values. (default = 'bonferroni')
algorithm to use when performing active subnetwork search. Options are greedy search (GR), simulated annealing (SA) or genetic algorithm (GA) for the search (default = 'GR').
boolean to indicate whether to disable parallel runs
via foreach
(default = FALSE)
if TRUE: in GA, adds an individual with all positive nodes. In SA, initializes candidate solution with all positive nodes. (default = FALSE)
number of iterations for active subnetwork search and enrichment analyses (Default = 10)
optional argument for specifying the number of processes used by foreach. If not specified, the function determines this automatically (Default == NULL. Gets set to 1 for Genetic Algorithm)
active subnetwork score quantile threshold. Must be between 0 and 1 or set to -1 for not filtering. (Default = 0.8)
threshold for the minimum proportion of significant genes in the subnetwork (Default = 0.02) If the number of genes to use as threshold is calculated to be < 2 (e.g. 50 signif. genes x 0.01 = 0.5), the threshold number is set to 2
Initial temperature for SA (default = 1.0)
Final temperature for SA (default = 0.01)
Iteration number for SA (default = 10000)
Population size for GA (default = 400)
Iteration number for GA (default = 200)
Number of threads to be used in GA (default = 5)
Applies crossover with the given probability in GA (default = 1, i.e. always perform crossover)
For GA, applies mutation with given mutation rate (default = 0, i.e. mutation off)
Sets max depth in greedy search, 0 for no limit (default = 1)
Search depth in greedy search (default = 1)
Overlap threshold for results of greedy search (default = 0.5)
Number of subnetworks to be presented in the results (default = 1000)
boolean value indicating whether to print the messages to the console (FALSE) or not (TRUE, this will print to a temp. file) during active subnetwork search (default = TRUE). This option was added because during parallel runs, the console messages get disorderly printed.
Data frame of combined pathfindR enrichment results