pathfindRpathfindR package |
pathfindR: A package for Enrichment Analysis Utilizing Active Subnetworks |
Main functionsMain functions of pathfindR |
Wrapper Function for pathfindR - Active-Subnetwork-Oriented Enrichment Workflow |
Cluster Enriched Terms |
Create Bubble Chart of Enrichment Results |
Calculate Agglomerated Scores of Enriched Terms for Each Subject |
Plot the Heatmap of Score Matrix of Enriched Terms per Sample |
Create Terms by Genes Heatmap |
Create Term-Gene Graph |
Create UpSet Plot of Enriched Terms |
Create Diagrams for Enriched Terms |
Graph Visualization of Clustered Enriched Terms |
Visualize Active Subnetworks |
Data GenerationFunctions to generate PIN and gene sets data |
Retrieve Organism-specific PIN data |
Retrieve Organism-specific Gene Sets List |
Comparison of 2 pathfindR ResultsFunctions to compare 2 different pathfindR results |
Combine 2 pathfindR Results |
Combined Results Graph |
Enrichment-related functionsActive subnetwork search- and Enrichment-related functions |
Wrapper for Active Subnetwork Search + Enrichment over Single/Multiple Iteration(s) |
Active Subnetwork Search + Enrichment Analysis Wrapper for a Single Iteration |
Perform Active Subnetwork Search |
Annotate the Affected Genes in the Provided Enriched Terms |
Perform Enrichment Analysis for a Single Gene Set |
Perform Enrichment Analyses on the Input Subnetworks |
Fetch Gene Set Objects |
Parse Active Subnetwork Search Output File and Filter the Subnetworks |
Hypergeometric Distribution-based Hypothesis Testing |
Process Input |
Input Testing |
Return The Path to Given Protein-Protein Interaction Network (PIN) |
Summarize Enrichment Results |
Clustering-related functionsClustering-related functions |
Create Kappa Statistics Matrix |
Heuristic Fuzzy Multiple-linkage Partitioning of Enriched Terms |
Hierarchical Clustering of Enriched Terms |
Visualization functionsVisualization-related functions |
Color hsa KEGG pathway |
Visualize Human KEGG Pathways |
Visualize Interactions of Genes Involved in the Given Enriched Terms |
Misc. functionsMiscellaneous functions |
Configure Output Directory Name |
Check Java Version |
Obtain Java Version |
Retrieve the Requested Release of Organism-specific BioGRID PIN |
Process Data frame of Protein-protein Interactions |
Retrieve Organism-specific KEGG Pathway Gene Sets |
Retrieve Reactome Pathway Gene Sets |
Retrieve Organism-specific MSigDB Gene Sets |
Retrieve Gene Sets from GMT-format File |
Create HTML Report of pathfindR Results |
Check if value is a valid color |